Sonic Games
Sonic 3 Complete
Has 4 modes of play including: Sonic 3 Complete, Sonic 3, Sonic & Knuckles, and Blue Sphere, offering a variety of gameplay experiences for all types of players.
Played 29 times
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Sonic The Hedgehog 2
Take a trip back in time with the full version of the Sega Genesis game Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Sonic In Paynt
A wacky Sonic the Hedgehog hack featuring some messed up colors and eye popping palettes
Metal Sonic 2
Metal Sonic replaces Sonic as a playable character and has 3 different play styles to choose from
Super Contra
Shoot your way through 8 more stages with machine gun, fireball, and the ever popular spread gun
Sonic Streets Of Rage 2
Fight through 8 levels of baddies in this epic beat em up. Choose from Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and more!
Sonic Boom
A total modification of Sonic 2 featuring special aerial maneuvers that cost rings to use
Sonic 2 Pink Edition
Finally Amy Rose gets her own Sonic game! You can choose between Amy Rose or Cream the rabbit.
Pana Der Hejhog
Although it has just 1 level, this hack features changing weather, fluid sprites, and an epic boss fight
Super Mario Advance
A fun GBA game that is 2 games rolled into one. Pick Super Mario Bros 2 or Classic Mario Brothers and play!
Super Mario Bros 2
One of the strangest Mario games ever made. Play as Mario, Luigi, Toad, or Princess with her crazy jumping ability.
Megaman X3
The final Mega Man X game for the SNES. As Maverick Hunters, Mega Man and Zero must battle against the evil Sigma.
Sonic The Blue Blur
All the levels have been redesigned offering a unique play through. Slight palette modification as well.
Mighty The Armadillo
Starring a new character and with a reworked Green Hill Zone, this is one of the oldest Sonic rom hacks ever
Metal Sonic the Hedgehog
A simple palette swap that replaces Sonic with Metal Sonic. This rom hack is otherwise just Sonic 1.
Sonic Boy 4 Monster World
The 4th installment of Sonic Boy sees Sonic armed with his trusty sword and plopped down in Monster World
South Island Adventure
A Sonic hack featuring Espio the Chameleon and a bunch of brand new levels to explore
Sonic Hedgehog Improvement
This rom hack translates Sonic for Sega over to the NES while also making all kinds of improvements.
Sonic Ancient Isles
What if Sonic 1 took place on a completely different island? All new levels, sprites, and music await you in this hack.
Sonic 1 Alt
Sonic 1 but with completely altered levels making for a whole new play through experience
Another Island Adventure
Just 2 levels but both are brand new and offer some exciting moments like the huge underwater section and revamped music
Sonic Jam 6
Sonic has entered Mario world! Spin and jump per usual but also hurl fireballs once you grab the almighty fireflower!
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