Sonic Games
South Island Adventure
A Sonic hack featuring Espio the Chameleon and a variety of brand new levels to explore, offering a fresh twist on the classic gameplay.
Played 34 times
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Sonic In Paynt
A wacky Sonic the Hedgehog hack featuring some messed up colors and eye popping palettes
Sonic The Hedgehog 2
Take a trip back in time with the full version of the Sega Genesis game Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Silver Sonic Rise of Death Egg
All new levels for Silver Sonic to explore in this fan made rom hack including a rave club stage and hell stage
Sonic 1 Sage 2010
A time attack game that lets you choose any act and level (including bosses) to try to get the best time possible
Sonic 3D Blast 6
A fun nes hack featuring Sonic that is not actually 3D but your typical side scroller instead
Dark Sound the Hedgehog
All new level layouts, stage music, graphics, and mid air spin dashes! You can also start at ANY level you want
Sonic CD
Sonic must save Little Planet from Dr. Robotnik. Features 7 zones with short but sweet stages.
Sonic 2 Aluminum Edition
This rom hack only features new graphics and different zone names but is otherwise Sonic 2
Sonic 2 Advanced Edit
Featuring Sonic, Tails, Amy, and Knuckles, Sonic must traverse a hack with all new enemies and stages
Sonic Gaiden
In this hacked rom, you can play as either Sonic or Mighty the Armadillo
Sonic The Blue Blur
All the levels have been redesigned offering a unique play through. Slight palette modification as well.
Sonic Boom
A total modification of Sonic 2 featuring special aerial maneuvers that cost rings to use
Sonic Sunventure
A short but sweet Sonic 1 hack featuring 5 custom levels and new music. Also has some new monitors a few surprises as well.
Sonic Ancient Isles
What if Sonic 1 took place on a completely different island? All new levels, sprites, and music await you in this hack.
Sonic The Hedgehog GG
Battle against Dr Robotnik across 6 zones in this old school Game Gear classic
Sonic Classic Heroes
Control Sonic, Tails, or Knuckles in this combination effort of Sonic 1 and Sonic 2
Super Mario Bros
Play the original Mario Bros for the NES and relive the glory days of retro gaming
Sonic Triple Trouble MS
A hack of the original Game Gear version to allow for a larger viewing area but is otherwise largely the same game
Sonic Spinball
A fun pinball-esque game where you must collect all the chaos emeralds and defeat the boss of each level
Sonic and Shadow Double Jump
Double jump with either Shoe Box or having 50 rings. Features all new levels and stage select!
Sonic the Hackable
Features all new zones, customized levels, and a remixed soundtrack. You can also air dash too!
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